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01.The Female Sacro Wedgy
02.The Male Sacro Wedgy
03.The Neck Support
04.Extra Foam Lift 1in
05.Male/Female Combo Pack
06.Extra Foam Lift 3/4in
07.Sacro Wedgy Complete System - 1 Male/1 Female/1 neck support
08.Still Point Inducer
09.Hand Held Index Knobber
10.His Hers combo 1 Male 1 Female 2 neck support
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1-800-737-9295 or 1-251-653-9258 .

The Piriformis Muscle/Piriformis Syndrome

The Piriformis Muscle/Piriformis Syndrome

PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME —commonly referred to as pain in the butt--The piriformis muscle is a small muscle deep under the glutes. It is triangular in shape with the wide end attached to the front of the sacrum and the narrow end attached to the hip.

The reason the Sacro Wedgy® has been helpful with this symptom is the sacrum is slightly elevated and placed in a neutral position allowing the suspended hips freedom to drop or relax on either side of the sacrum. The body weight, as you relax gives the piriformis muscle a chance to relax and return to a proper balance. It may require using the Sacro Wedgy® for a while to keep the balance. That little muscle is the culprit for a lot of symptoms. It can be the beginning of quite a "snowball".

Piriformis is a painful syndrome involving the lower back and hips, but it is better know as "a pain in the butt." It's named after the piriformis muscle, which can create tension in the sciatic nerve, causing pain along with a "heavy leg" feeling. Those with piriformis syndrome should try to get relief wherever they can--keep trying techniques until you find the one that works on a long-term scale. The solution may be simpler than you think, so try the most convenient methods first, like the time-proven Sacro Wedgy®. Relaxing the tension away is usually the best method of treatment.

Going to professional treatments can be time-consuming, which is why many people try self-care products. One of the most popular products is the Sacro Wedgy®, which isolates, elevates, and cradles the sacrum bone. With frequent use of this product, many people experience long-term relief for their back pain.

The Sacro Wedgy® Can Be Used in a Therapeutic Environment
Because the Sacro Wedgy® is so convenient and effective, many therapists elect to incorporate it into their treatment regimens. Using the Sacro Wedgy® mimics a long-used technique of holding the sacrum with the hand. The Sacro Wedgy® can get many patients ready for their exercises, and can be used for a variety of different problems. To read testimonials from satisfied physical therapists, surf our website.

For adult back pain problems, it's smart to try the simplest solutions first. By relaxing on the Sacro Wedgy®, patients can balance their hips and isolate the sacrum bone. It's been proven an effective method for easing sciatica. The Sacro Wedgy® frequently tours at conventions all over the nation--look for it in a town near you. For a comfortable way to treat the problems that cause sciatic pain, the Sacro Wedgy® is becoming one of the most popular tools on the market.

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