Sacro Wedgy Complete system 1 Male ! Female 1 Neck Support........
Sacro Wedgy® (Instructional booklet and elevation pad included.) In use
over 25 years, The Sacro Wedgy® has helped thousands get relief from a
variety of symptoms such as sciatica, low back pain, hip pain, knee pain
and more. Relaxing on a regular basis helps the muscles slowly
rebalance using gravity to do most of the work. It is not a quick
fix--nothing is; however, addressing and helping to correct bad posture
and "out of balance" muscle structure helps treat the origin of the
problem rather than treat the symptom. The Sacro Wedgy® is available in a
male or female version and retails for $33.95 with volume pricing
available for but not limited to professionals. (directiones disponible
en espanol)
is where we, on occasion, have to ask questions. The difference in the
male and female sacrum is, the male sacrum is longer and more narrow
then the shorter, wider female sacrum. Some taller women have a longer,
narrower torso and need to order the male. We've also noted some women,
regardless of height, that haven't had children may be narrower in the
hips. The Sacro Wedgy® needs to go between the hips - not sit on top.
The design is to mimic the hand as it is used in a number of therapy
techniques where the therapist places the hand under the sacrum and
elevates. If you order the female and realize you need the male (will
feel like it's digging in), we will exchange it for the male version.
Sacro Wedgy Complete System - 1 Male/1 Female/1 neck support
- Product Code: sw-system
- Availability: In Stock