Isometric exercises

Isometrics to strengthen specific muscles








The psoas muscle literally picks up your leg. If for any reason this muscle is weak on one side, you can strengthen with this resistance isometric. If when walking one foot turns out slightly to the side or your leg picks up slower, that could indicate a weaker muscle.

Keep your arm straight and use your hand as a wall. As you exhale 7 to 10 seconds bring your knee into your hand. Repeat 5 to 7 times daily until both side are equal





Raise hips and squeeze glutes. If one side needs to be strengthened, lean your body to the weaker side, exhale and hold for a few seconds.Repeat 5 to 7 times daily until equal. Drop back down between sets.











Strengthen back muscles with this isometric. If muscles are stronger on one side only do this on the weaker side until balance is achieved.Hold position, count and exhale 5 to 7 seconds for up to 10 sets. Drop leg between sets.