Customer Testimonials

Dear sacro wedge Thank you so much for your products. I ordered the sacro wedge only a week ago and I have already had great results. I have been suffering with sciatica and hip pain on and off for the past 2 years, I had the so called pain the butt and heel, and have already had great results in on.. >> !!

- Vittoria Momento 13/08/2024 15:15:29

I just have to tell you that I sold at least the 10-12th person I know on the Sacro Wedgy. I have talked it up at my Weight Watchers meetings, etc. Several of the people I work with have bought them, and also people I used to work with just bought one too. My doctor is now recommending it to his oth.. >> !!

- Dia 13/08/2024 15:15:54

I just wanted to let you know that I ordered a sacro wedgy and got it three days ago. I drive an 18 wheeler and have been suffering with severe pain for a month. I have used the wedgy according to the manual on my truck and at home in the evenings. What a wonderful tool to have. I have been to the .. >> !!

- Curtis S. Heckert 13/08/2024 15:24:23

Early last summer I developed a very painful problem in my sciatica. After a number of visits to the physical therapist and not getting much better she suggested trying the Sacro Wedgy. The relief was almost immediate after two sessions. I purchased my own Wedgy and was done with therapy two weeks l.. >> !!

- Lin Johnston 13/08/2024 15:25:03

Can't tell you how much the SW has meant to me, but I will try! >From last Decenber 04 to June 05, I was almost completely disabled with sciatic pain. Had never had it before, but I felt as tho I would never get over it. It was a constant and extremely painful companion and nothing I tried (massage,.. >> !!

- Mary Tripp 13/08/2024 15:25:27

Dear Cindy: I have to write and thank you so much for your wonderful product and amazing customer service. I called you on Tuesday to order additional lift pads for our sacrowedgy. I was astonished. The lovely lady I spoke to on the phone refused to take my credit card information stating that I cou.. >> !!

- Suzanne Stewart 13/08/2024 15:26:24

Cindy, I just have to say thanks for this product.... You might be interested in my story... I've had problems with my sciatic nerve on and off for the last several years. About 6 weeks ago it started acting up again. I immediately started doing my physical therapy exercises. Unfortunately, I was ra.. >> !!

- Michael Connelly 13/08/2024 15:26:46

Sorry it has taken me so long to write this up and send it to you. I think it has been at least a month since I called you and told you about using the wedgy and how it had helped me. Anyway, I have been using it now for about six months and now I don't have the constant burning sensation in my lowe.. >> !!

- Evelyn Causey 13/08/2024 15:27:08

I have been limping, sometimes almost dragging my right leg due to hip pain for over 6 months. Sometimes it would be less intrusive, and i thought it would just go away. Then the sciatic nerve got involved and i had agony, mostly at night. Sitting for long periods writing stories caused it. I went t.. >> !!

- Elizabeth Thurber 13/08/2024 15:27:33

I bought a man's wedgy about last November and have been using it ever since. It has really helped me a great deal. I have had a chronic lower back problem for the past 40 years. Last year, my condition worsened and I spent most of the time on the couch and was unable to sit for very long. I am 69 y.. >> !!

- Bill Sack 13/08/2024 15:28:23

This is my testimonial to Sacro Wedgy. But first of all, let me say that testimonials do not normally impress me. A glowing testimonial could be that of a relative, friend or neighbor that desires to further a business, so I do not let them sway me excessively. Because of that fact, mine will probab.. >> !!

- Pat Marcus 13/08/2024 15:28:59

I was about ready to give up on the SacroWedgy. After 2-3 weeks of trying it every day, I got no relief at all. I have a combination piriformis/scitatica syndrome and the sciatica was so painful that I could not find any comfortable lying position and there was sciatica pain no matter if I used a pi.. >> !!

- Larry Davis 13/08/2024 15:29:29
Showing 73 to 84 of 152 (13 Pages)