Customer Testimonials
Dear Sir, I would have no hesitation in recommending the Sacro Wedgy to anyone with lower back and groin problems. After using the product for three months there is a feeling of freedom in my hips and pelvis that I’ve not had for almost two years. I should add that during the last three months I’ve .. >> !!
I just have to say I purchased a Sacro Wedgy® about 6 months ago but I didn't quite know what to do with it till I took it to the chiropractor. I have two herniated discs in my lumbar region that keep me in a lot of pain. I asked the chiropractor if she knew about it and she said oh yea and she told.. >> !!
To whom it may concern, I just wanted to write and say how much your SacroWedgy has helped me over the past two years. I'm a 50 year old man, with significant lower back pain due to spondylolysis (pars defect) and spondylolisthesis. Those are big words, but basically mean that my L5 vertebra did not.. >> !!
Just wanted to let you know that I received my Sacrowedgy on Saturday after a 750 mile trip in which my right leg, back and hip ached like a sore tooth. I have used the Sacrowedgy twice a day for the 20 minutes in the lying position and used it when driving the 45 minutes to work today. This is th.. >> !!
To whom it may concern, thanks a million times over for this amazing tool , i have suffered lower back problems in the sacroliac joint for some years made worse by my job i have been 39 years in the hairdressing trade. I am here in the united kingdom i have told my customers about your amazing tool .. >> !!
Cindy, A HUGH thank you for this remarkable device. I have used it for 3 days and my excruciating back and buttock pain is completely gone! The Physical Therapist during 6 sessions got me no relief comparable to the Sacrowedgy. You guys can bet that I will put out the word because it works@ A. Scrip.. >> !!
From: I. Amarel - New Jersey Age - over 70 - Does Yoga and Pilates Professionals seen over the years for sciatica - MD, Chiropractor, Physical Therapist, Massage Therapist and Acupuncture. She writes; This last time I pulled a muscle picking up luggage. Up to this point my back had been good for a f.. >> !!
"I used to move from side to side all night, trying to find that perfect sleeping position that would take pressure off my lower back. Consequently, I never experienced deep sleep. Then I started using the Sacro Wedgy nightly for about 15 minutes before I went to bed. It felt so good I could have sl.. >> !!
After dealing with piriformis syndrome for 10 months to the point of the pain almost being disabling, and seeing a chiropractor for 1/2 of that time, I am basically pain free after using the sacrowedgy for only 7 days. Thank you! >> !!
To whomever made this incredible device. I've been in terrible pain for about 6 years with a grade 2 spondy, piriformis syndrome, spinal stenosis, and all the pain that goes with the above. I'm a 54 year old VERY active woman, working out in the gym 6 days per week. Before that I was a runner for a.. >> !!
I ordered (by phone) the first time about 2 months ago. I sold all the items I ordered within 2 weeks at my practice. They fly off the shelves once people understand the benefits! Thanks for your great device. Phil Tavolacci, MSPT, CPT Owner- TAVO PT & Fitness >> !!
I purchased a Sacro Wedgy 2 months ago and it has helped me a lot. I had pretty chronic trochantor pain, along with sciatic pain from the piriformus to my knee. The Wedgy worked beautifully. I used 2 pads at first, and suffered some pain from the muscles stretching, but once I went to the wedgy alon.. >> !!