Customer Testimonials
I purchased the Male Sacrowedgy quite a while ago. I was looking for relief from hip-pain, back-pain, and side pain - it seemed to move and although the Chiropractor gave some relief, it obviously kept on coming. Pain caused inactivity, which caused weight gain, and the spiral continued.
I tried .. >> !!
I sit on it, sleep on it, nap on it, ride on it. If I don't, my sciatica returns. I typically spend about 8 to 14 hours a day on it. The more I use it, the better I feel. The only time I use it with the cervical roll is when I take a one hour nap on the floor--that feels marvelous because the whole .. >> !!
I hurt my sacrum when a folding chair that I was sitting on broke. Chiropractors and massage helped some but I had constant lower back pain and discomfort while sitting. I travel a lot and would arrive to my destination with so much lower back pain that sometimes I would spend the whole day of my ar.. >> !!
I bought a wedgy 2 years ago (ish) and Ive waited till now to give a review judging by how my back feels.
After spending hundreds of pounds on chiros, machines, osteopaths, massages this $30 little miracle helped enormously. Combined with drug treatment which I no longer need I have zero pain. I si.. >> !!
WOW!!!! I was in a car accident in June 2011, and herniated 2 discs in my lower spine. I had one epidural steroid injection, months of physical therapy, and acupuncture. After being released from the doctor's care, I returned to work after 3 months, and gradually started working out again. Unfortuna.. >> !!
I've been suffering from Sciatica from the age of 16 (for 25 years now!)!When I was 28 I had 2 weeks of absolute hell as the condition had become really bad. Someone advised me to see a chiropractor whom helped enormously. However recently I've been having lots of episodes which I've been receiving .. >> !!
I have had recurrent piriformis syndrome as a long time runner. It caused sciatic pain so severe I could barely drive or sit. While physical therapy helped a little, the sacro wedgy got me back to 100% after several days of use. I use it at the first sign of a recurrence and it has kept me running a.. >> !!
I have used the sacro wedgy for years but only for lying down. I forgot about the use with sitting. My current job requires much time at the computer and thought I would try it for the sitting benefits. I recently took my sacro wedgy to a 3 hour training class. Four of my co-workers tried it out and.. >> !!
Thank you for creating this! I have only been using this a few days. First it did not seem to be working. It was like laying on a rock. I did not feel a curve at all. Well I looked at the picture and the sacro wedgy seemed to be placed higher than noted on the video. I also read your online advise t.. >> !!
This sacro wedge is amazing. First use, 20 min instant relaxation of the sacrum & adjacent muscles. The SI joint self adjusted during a few of the self-help exercises. WOW !!!!!! >> !!
I have been an Industrial Medic and Offshore Health and Safety Advisor for 20 years. About 10 years ago I injured my back removing a patient from an ambulance. I spent the next 3 months immobile flat on my back with a serious compression of L-4 L-5 and a herneated disc. After many months of physio, .. >> !!
I haven't been able to get rid of this pulling pain on my right side for 2 years...the Sacro Wedgy got rid of the pulling by stretching the long muscles on the side of my back, when nothing else would work!!! It's great to feel good again~~~~~~ >> !!