Customer Testimonials
I am a retired registered nurse who worked on the sports medicine floor at Stanford university medical center. I have a very flexible sacro iliac joint and have been seen at Health South in Birmingham to validate this. When the SI joint goes out it is exceedingly painful.
When I get the SI joint .. >> !!
I have been using the Sacro Wedgy for over 12 years and am an absolute believer in its benefits. It has relieved my piriformis leg pain from walking and has allowed me to continue my exercise. While I always sit on it while driving, I didn't think I needed the laying down sessions any more. But for .. >> !!
I want to thank you for this life saving product!! I injured by back about a year ago and suffered day and night. I tried, four steroid injections, two SI Joint injections, inversion table, massage, therapy and acupuncture. None of them worked. I thought life as I knew it as a healthy 37 year old mo.. >> !!
I had severe pain in my right back and shooting down my right leg for 3 months. Went to chiropractor and even used an e-stim machine at home, but it was a pt that found the problem. I had caught myself from falling a month before the pain started. So, the pt started me on the sacro wedgy and after t.. >> !!
I had been in severe pain for several months when I heard about the sacrowedgy. I had been on pain medications and had 4 injections. The very next day I was completely pain free. I am recommending this to everybody I see that is having back problems. >> !!
I have suffered from S-I joint pain for a year and a half. I have been to rehab and had injections, but NOTHING has helped like this device. I also was struggling with hip and knee pain which I had no idea was related until I started using the Sacrowedgy. Such an easy way to re-establish a proper al.. >> !!
This has helped my neck tension so much! Spending some time laying with both the neck pillow and the Sacro Wedgy makes me experience muscle relaxation and subtle adjustments in my spine. Also, I can sit for extended periods of time without stretching, adjusting and fidgeting due to chair's unforgivi.. >> !!
I have had severe pain in my lower back,groin,and buttock for over three years when I finally got told I have piriformis syndrome I came across this site for the Sacro Wedgy I was impressed and ordered female version thu amazon u.k. i cant tell you how much it helped within the first few days it is .. >> !!
I am 56 years old and in late August 2012, out of the blue, I started having what they diagnosed as sciatica pain. The worst was in the back of my thigh and it was especially painful to sneeze or cough...doing so while driving was treacherous. The pain then moved down to my knee and heel and up into.. >> !!
Dear Ms. Ballis;
I can't thank you enough for the SACRO WEDGY.
I have had back problems since I was 29 (50 years ago). I have arthritis, osteoporosis, and stenosis. My back was severely curved. I have been through many therapeutic therapies and to many Doctors, all of whom, after many visits, .. >> !!
Really works well when I lay on it, I start to get my sensation back in my legs..I wish I had more time to lay on this thing....great product if you have a bulging or herniated disc >> !!
It's my first day of usind Sacrowedgy while driving and sitting at work. And it's the first day in 5 weeks when my lower back doesn't hut and there is no pins and needles in my leg! I have tried everything!!! Different chairs, different positions of sitting, sitting on a regular pillow, sitting on a.. >> !!