Customer Testimonials

From: I. Amarel - New Jersey Age - over 70 - Does Yoga and Pilates Professionals seen over the years for sciatica - MD, Chiropractor, Physical Therapist, Massage Therapist and Acupuncture. She writes; This last time I pulled a muscle picking up luggage. Up to this point my back had been good for a few years due to Yoga and Pilates. The Sacro Wedgy helped this time. My back would spasm and I couldn't walk for more than 10 minutes. I tried all of the above treatments, had an MRI, took celebrex. Nothing worked. The Sacro Wedgy gave me relief in 2 uses then cleared the pain in one month. I love it & have recommended it to many friends & acquaintances. I use it whenever I feel a twinge in my back.
- I. Amarel 13/08/2024 15:11:15