Customer Testimonials
I have been an Industrial Medic and Offshore Health and Safety Advisor for 20 years. About 10 years ago I injured my back removing a patient from an ambulance. I spent the next 3 months immobile flat on my back with a serious compression of L-4 L-5 and a herneated disc. After many months of physio, accupuncture, chiropractics and pain....i returned to work....but have suffered from lower back pain since. % months ago I developed accute Insufferable sciatica on my right side. Burning pain in my right glute, hamstring, calf and foot. Often my toes went from horrible pins-and-needles to absolute numbness. I began a regime of prescription medication including anti-inflammatories, muscle-relaxxants, narcotic pain killers and even Nortryptoline a nerve impulse blocker. I still suffered with a 8/10 pain around the clock!! In despiration I ordered a Sacrowedgy on impulse while offshore and it was in my mailbox when i arrived home. I unpacked it, read the directions and gave it a good 20 minute trial. (Boy did it hurt good!!!) When I rolled over and stood up I was literally PAIN FREE!!! Since then I have used the sacro-wedgy for 20 mins twice daily and have graduated to the foam lift. I have little to no sciatica, have eliminated my medications and now have returned to my regular activity (Including the amorous evenings I used to have with my girlfriend!!) I have refered many of my associates to the sacrowedgy and would not consider leaving home without it. Thank you so much, you've changed my life.