Customer Testimonials
Hello Again: I wrote you a few weeks ago and promised that I would send you an update on your product and how it worked for me, so here's my summation: I honestly have to say, in a word, that it DOES what you promote it to! I have had a MAJOR syndrome with my sacro region literally for years! I have tried everything and when I say everything, I MEAN EVERYTHING. Let me name them: Mechanotherapists Chiropractors (who tell you you'll just have to come back, as it takes a few treatments. Well, sometimes it does and I have gotten relief, but I am back for another adjustment in a few weeks. Anyway, Pain Management Electro stimulation Traction Heat Ice RX Muscle relaxers, anti-inflamatories, OTC, ie Advil, Aleve etc. Bio-Freeze Emu Blue Stuff (HA! Takes away the pain in 5 minutes, LOL!) Massage therapists, one after another. Generally are good, so I can't really put them here. I had at one time seen seven (7) Doctors, one which gave me a shot of Motrin right in the joint, but she was the only one who would at least TRY to get me some help! The others told me that they didn't know what was wrong. They all did the same thing and told me that it wasn't a disc and it wasn't a nerve since I had full range of motion and no numbness. So they would give me yet another RX for Muscle relaxers Physical Therapy (which put me in bed for 12 days) She was incorrect about what I was suffering from and nearly killed me with odd stretches. Herbalist (for natural supplements. He did help quite a bit) Shots of Cortisone X-rays MRI's all of which they told me there was 'nothing wrong with my back'. Well, there you have it. The only thing I never tried was acupuncture, but why waste more money. I have come up with a rough figure on what I have spent over the years trying to find something to help me and came up with around $15,000.00 I am NOT exaggerating. Insurance only goes so far. I have used the Sacro-Wedgie religiously since April 20th. The sharp stabbing 'knife in my hip' pain is pretty much gone. I am able to do the pelvic tilts without the 'crunching' and aching I used to have and many more of the symptoms that went along with this sacro-syndrome are really lightening up. Although I am not totally pain free, I believe this little wedge of pink rubber is what I have been praying for for over 28 years. It all started when I was pregnant for the first time, when I laid on the floor to stretch out and couldn't get up and laid there in tears. I could not move my left leg to get off the floor. You were correct when you advised me to wait a few days more before working out again. It is only now that I feel like I can get back to the gym and be productive. The healing process does take time to begin. I am still using it daily and will continue to look for the amazing results as I've gotten so far. That's it for now, but if I have any new information, I will pass it along. I would like to tell all of this to the man who invented it. He's a God send! Very sincerely yours, Mary Federico Chardon, OH